Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where you been?

Writing has consumed my nights. Maybe it's not so much writing has it thinking about what to write. Writing for our gym's morning class, Morning Mayhem. Takes time and thought. Leaving not much time to write on this blog.....

Be back soon!

Friday, August 14, 2009


The quality or state of being responsible: as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability.

This morning I woke up after having.... well yeah I had three of those.
They were good, but almost on the border line of not being responsible.

At any rate, I thought about staying in bed, I have no plans for the day, expect to train tonight at 6:30 so I had freedom to do what I wished.

But the guilt, the "responsibility" thing kicked in about Morning Mayhem and not being apart of our morning class, not taking pictures, not cheering people on, not being responsible creeped into me... so up I got, grabbed some tea and made a late appearance at the gym...



Dialing In:
5:00am 8 oz tea

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Wednesday's are deadline days here at our newspaper. So, things are busy...which makes the time go fast. Todays WOD was great!
Went in feeling under the weather after getting in late, no dinner, up late and woke up to a slight sore back from sleeping on the coach. But life goes on and so did the WOD. With or without me it was going to take place. I had a choice to participate or whine. I choice the first. So glad I did.

Monday, August 10, 2009



Sunday, August 9, 2009


There's not much I need or want as far as materialistic things go. I have been fortunate to get or pay off for the things I have wanted. I need to have nice clothes for work so I like that excuse to buy new shirts and pants when I see something I like. I always wanted a laptop computer and I finally saved the money for that. The Harley has been bundled in with the mortgage "I" pay for. And my most recent expense as been my new camera which I wouldn't change for the world. I love it. I love taking pictures... of what I'm doing, where I'm going, to who I'm with. I love it.
With all that said I found myself sitting at a railroad crossing yesterday and it made me realize that I really do love trains. I have always wanted a Lionel Train set like I had when I was a kid. Over the years I have looked for a set and they are so so expense. I would need to take out a small loan to get the set I want. I want the train to go around the WHOLE inside of my house.....

I will get it someday!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yesterday I stopped in a birthday party for a friend's son turning 9. It was great to see her. She has moved to OK and was only in town for a couple of days to see family. Family is what I'd call her. I have known Michele since I was in high school and when ever we get back together it's like we never left. At the same point you realize how much you missed them!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hump Day?

what happened to it? What happened to hump day? It was gone before I knew it.

SO, let's just skip what happened yesterday and move on to today.


I had best intentions of lifting tonight..but I was worn out and I want to do well on tomorrow's WOD. I don't talk much about going to "Dykes" because I feel like I'm cheating on ACF (Albany CrossFit) my real home. To add to the complexity is being apart of two different (in some ways) theories on exercise. One is based around Olympic Powerlifting and the other on the CrossFit philosophy. So I kinda keep them separate (for now). I do think some things I could bring back ACF and be a benefit to us. Like the box squat.

Dialing In:
Fasting 24 hours. I'm reading more and more on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting. One benefit is that while fasting your body produces human growth hormones. Basically defying age. Another benefit to fasting is that it has help me stop this complusive thing of wanting to eat "all" the time. You actually stop thinking about it. ...until you smell something so good or you see something you can almost taste. Then you're in trouble.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Anyone in CrossFit has experienced the "sting" of a ripped hand. Doing sets of pullups creates for some interesting things to happen to your hands. The calluses like mole hills and the rips!


Will you use the darn band in your pull ups! Work on your chest to bar. Get it right. Make it a metcon workout and would you stop standing there under the bar looking at it!

Even after almost a year and a half I still can't get a good string of pull ups. I was doing strict and getting 5-6. Switched to kipping (finally) and started getting 5-6 of them. But after the first round I start going down to 2 to one at a time.
Sad but true. I will start over again for what I think is the second or third time to the band and get that chest to bar.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Day Sunshine...

Started back up on a busy work out routine. After 4 days off and a fast day... I was ready to hit the WOD today. HARD. It wasn't until the "warm up"seemed hard that made me question if 4 days off is a good or bad thing. I was winded! I slept good, ate good had more than enough REST (thank you trainer Brett) I was ready to "I thought hit Cindy hard"

WOD "Cindy"
13 rounds + 2 pullups

For those not in CrossFit that's not good. The elite "Connor Martin"got 40 rounds. But he was 13 years old too. I'm far from being elite but my goal was to hit 15 today.
Average is probably (from what I say on the message board) is 16-20.

Dialing in:
8 oz tea
7:30am 8 oz juice 14 oz water
8:00am 1 apple, 1 oz cheese, 3 teaspoons almond butter
12:00 Maki lunch

Trying out glasses. Just for reading. Never needed them... but I guess they could be stylish.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


August 1st.

I don't feel old 'till my daughter reminds me how old she is... Today she turned 23. yup it's sad but true...I wish I could say I had her when I was very very young...but I wasn't.
Enough about age.
Today is also another big day for my daughter. Years ago she asked her great aunt Janet to go to Paris when she graduated from college. Well the time has come and the two of them are on their way to Paris today. I'm very exciting for both of them. They are going to have a blast. I was asked to go but neither do I have the money or the desire to go to Paris. "If" I did have the money to go to Paris - I wouldn't be spending it on a trip to Paris. My daughter knew right off the bat what I'd spend the money on...that would be another CrossFit Cert. I want to go to Aromas, CA and take a CrossFit for Kids cert....(someday)