Sunday, July 19, 2009

You are what you eat.

Yup... I ate all of that last night. I told myself last weekend, I wasn't going to do that to myself again...... we'll I did. But again, it was a blast.
A night out with Albany CrossFit girls for Karaoke Night. We had a great time. Check out Morning Mayhem's 7-20-09 post for a recap.

I thought today would be another REST DAY... 11:00am came around I needed to get out. Snatch work/kipping practice (on the band) was sounding fun. Into to the gym I went.
I'm glad I did. I "think" I did pretty good. I got 21 consecutive pullups. I'm happy with that. Next time I'm going for 30.
Snatch work was pretty good. I thought I was getting the form. Worked my way up to working with 65#. Big improvement from a week ago when I was using a 35# bar.




Dialing In:
6:30am 8 oz green tea
8:00am 1 apple, 3 teaspoons almond butter
10:30am 1 cup fresh blueberries, 2 teaspoons almond butter, 1 oz cheese
1:30 2 oz chicken, 2 cups broccoli, 18 peanuts
8 oz pomergranate, 2 oz protein, 12 oz water, 1/2 blueberries, strawberries
5:00pm 1 oz cheese, 4 teaspoons almond butter, 1 cup fresh berries
7:30pm 1 oz cheese, 4 teaspoons almond butter, 1 cup fresh berries

1 comment:

  1. just dropping by from the CF boards. if that's all you're eating in a day, you're not eating enough at all. eat more! i would add protein, way more protein.
