Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Material Girl

I never considered myself as materialistic.
BUT, there are possessions in my life that
I "love" and would miss if I didn't have them.
Top earthly possessions I am thankful for.

1. House - I completely and utterly appreciate a "home"
2. My Harley - I guess you would call it a thrill!
Unlike amusement rides which I am scared to death of.
Riding a motorcycle is a thrill and at the same point it is a peace.
Case in point was this mornings ride to work. Gorgeous, peaceful, quiet but loud with the sound of my pipes, feeling solitude but at the same time apart of the world around.
3. My Camera - I love documenting, see again and again, looking at the past, the moments that are now gone. If it wasn't for my camera I would have lost most memories of years gone by.
The good, the bad, the milestones, the events, and of course the people.
4. My weights - I have always had a thing about lifting heavy things! Maybe that's the tomboy in me. I grew up with three older brothers, playing all the "boys" sports. Baseball, street hockey, soccer, searched for insects, and climbed many many trees (even fell out of some).
Years of stiches and broken bones brought me to my later years of riding dirt bikes, fishing and playing pool for wages.
5. My computer - the computer a year ago was more at the top of my list now I have found it less of a "stronghold" Having to be on, reading blogs, writing emails, looking for emails and now it is used almost always for the main purpose of research.
6. My Ipod - music is not only peaceful but buildings me up, fills me with feelings.
I love music, I love to sing and I love to dance!
LAST but not least
7. My Truck - "I LOVE MY TRUCK" a 1996 GMC white pickup. I always wanted one and in 1999 I bought myself one. That truck as done a million things with me and for me.
I couldn't ask for a better friend.

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