Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Missed Opportunities"

"Missed Opportunities" as I call them are times when you should have, could have, but didn't and now there is no going back. Whether it be calling someone when you have that urge to say "I Love You", "Happy Birthday", "miss ya" or the times when you should have gone somewhere but something held you back. You can't get those times back, you can't replace those spur of the moment feelings, or get back the invitation that is no longer there. It's like being given a gift and not accepting it.
What makes me feel even worse is when giving someone else the opportunity, the gift, or the time and it's not taken. They've "missed the opportunity". The opportunity that may never be given again. That love that may not be shared again...


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups scaled to 3 pullups, 3 dips to one muscle up
4 Handstand Push-ups scaled to blue and red band
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings 55# (and that was heavy!)

Dailing In:

4:30am 8 oz tea
7:30am 22 oz water, 2 oz protein
8:00am 1 apple, 1 oz cheese,
3 teaspoons peanut butter (see that "peanut") no almond butter left :(
10:30am 1/2 grapes, 1 oz cheese, 2 teaspoons peanut butter
1:00pm chicken casear salad, french onion soup. NO I didn't eat all that bread. I ate a couple small croutons and the croutons in the soup.

This is Dasha Madchen Bergquella

Our dog of 14 years. (and previous running partner of 7-8 years) I had to take her to the vet today for a check up. I was thinking they were going to say it's coming time to maybe put her down. She is almost 15 and she drags her back two legs, sometimes she can't even get up, she needs a "lift".
But to my surprise she is in great shape and has alot of life still in her. Her and her hair will be around my feet for sometime to come in "our" kitchen quarters.

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