Sunday, July 26, 2009


I suppose that's why I love the mornings. It's quiet. No one is up yet...and when the kids were younger it was a gift to have these waken hours of peace. (well it still is) I find it peaceful, rejuvenating, it's "joy's" time. (always has been).
Before CrossFit it would be my time to jog. For 20 years. It was awesome...I would be on the road 5:00am...out sometimes under the stars, "almost" all alone, free from all the worries of yesterday, free from any chore that might be at hand, free from all distractions. It's was just ME, my ipod and God....

When I miss those hours...I get mad at myself for sleeping in too late. I feel as though I wasted the best part of the day.
I live by a bridge and I actually get upset when I hear cars....not because of the noise I've become accustom's because I know there are all these people up, doing things, starting their day...and I'm not. So if it's not the kids, the will be the cars that get me up on those days when I might just want to stay in bed.

Today is technically a:


I had other ideas... :)
but I will keep to the game plan of resting two days a week. It has proven to be very successful letting my muscles rest and recover. Yesterday I spent hours at ACF working and video taping snatches and did a small amount of deadlift work. I was happy the weight I could put up in my snatch. 75# was PR for me but I really need to go back down and work on my early pull, yanking it off the floor and I see no depth in my squat. I watch videos of Olympic lifters and I'm envious of how they sit so low and swing heavy weight overhead like it's nothing. In my eyes, that is truly beautiful a movement. I once referred it to the waltz, graceful yet powerful!

Dialing in:
5:45am 8 oz tea
6:30am 1/2 apple, 3 teaspoons almond butter, 1 oz cheese
7:30am 8 oz tea
9:30am 1 cup fresh broccoli & red pepper, egg, 1 oz cheese, 1 cup fresh cantalope(hmmmm,ripe), 8 oz hot water

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